We're taking our weekly write-ins online for Spring

Never is creativity more needed than during times of great challenge. We're moving our usual in-person Meetup online for Spring, if anyone would care to join us in writing, editing, polishing, and publishing their work.

Drop by our Facebook event page any time for support and chitchat during the timeslots listed.

For those contributing to our next anthology, PORTALS IN PROSE & VERSE, the deadlines will be delayed "a coupla months" to enable those who are understandably sidetracked to get their work in on time, and to allow those who find themselves with unexpected free time the opportunity to contribute and be published.

For those working on bigger projects, our teeny tiny publishing arm (E. Gads Hill Press) will be publishing folks for free. (Contact us for details)

Apologies, we're sold out

Unfortunately, the event you were interested in is fully booked. 

However, we'd be delighted to put you on the wait list right away! 

People do cancel, so it may be worth your time to write us at Whimsicalitea2017@gmail.com requesting a spot on the list.