Behind the Whimsy

Whimsicalitea incorporated in 2017 with a goal to financially benefit artists and artisans with funds raised via events and classes. We're thrilled to support a number of house museums, businesses, and assorted genteel arts entities. Our most prolific year to date was 2022, when we joined our parent organization, the Academy of Omniosophical Arts & Sciences, in funding arts and creative folk in excess of $50,000. 

We originally planned to have a brink & mortar location, but the enterprise fell through spectacularly at the eleventh hour. Since then, we've been operating solely without a physical home. We still intend to remedy that. 

Our board is currently comprised of:

Amee Wayton

Charles Spratley (advisor)

Cheryl Turner 

Cindy Freeman

Heather Brims

Janet Krochman (advisor)

Joy Johnston

Melissa Range

Merilou Benson

Roxanne Gambill

Sanndi Thompson (advisor)

Sharlene Babel

Sharon Speck

Trish Miller ... and Brad Miller dragged along for good measure