
The official philanthropy of the 
Academy of Omniosophical Arts & Sciences

Quietly engaging in do-goodery under the auspices of the Academy of Omniosophical Arts & Sciences, Whimsicalitea is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) arts nonprofit that is enriching lives across the globe through innovative programs designed to nurture creativity and inspire artistic expression with an emphasis on lifelong learning and connection. 

Our focus in 2024 is getting kids excited about books through our Reading Revolution. Created for parents with children 4-7, 8-12, and 13-17 years of age, the comprehensive series offers an irresistibly interactive and immersive approach to reading and learning.

Along with our parent company, over the last 2 years we have given more than $80K in discreet financial assistance to creative individuals to help them prosper in their endeavors. We also support established organizations such as museums and humanitarian charities. 

All Donations are tax deductible. 
Are you an artist? Do you or a loved one have an Etsy store or craft business? Contact us to discuss how we can help promote you!

Federal TIN (tax ID #) 81-5396395